“Destiny 2” is now available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Ever since the Leviathan Raid went live players have been finding effective ways on how to complete the raid in the fastest way possible. Given that the activity is incredibly difficult, the team with the quickest time of completion can have their bragging rights in the community. Previously, one fireteam has set a record of completing the raid in 27 minutes and 24 seconds. However, it appears that there is another team that has beaten this record.
New Speedrun record
As of October 8, a new speedrun record has been set for the fastest completion of the Leviathan Raid in “Destiny 2.” The new fireteam has finished the raid in just 23 minutes and 28 seconds beating the previous record by approximately four minutes. The team is composed of three Warlocks namely Mighty Edwin, GShark, and SSScrub. It has also a couple of Titans—Chris Kaizer and Its Wami, and a Hunter lH o v a.
The team consumed a total of five minutes and seven seconds defeating the final boss Emperor Calus. The time covers the moment the team is running from the beginning of the Calus cutscene until the end of the raid.
Tips and tricks
The new fireteam holding the speedrun record shared some tips and tricks to those who would like to replicate their feat. According to the team, players should use weapons that are perfect for a fast kill time, in their case, they used those with explosive rounds. They also suggest using armors and weapons with speed boosts when in encounters. This includes Dunemarchers, MIDA Mini-tool, and Transversive Steps. Aside from those that team emphasizes that although speed is essential players must always remember to provide space for each team member when solving puzzles since it will cost them more time to revive one another.
The fireteam’s build when they set the speedrun record includes Exotic weapons, which notes why it is important to drop by Xur every week.
They also have Power weapons like Merciless and Wardcliff Coil. These are essential in taking down bathers in the Royal Pools. Furthermore, their build’s most vital key component is the Coldheart.
With players getting better every day, it will not be long that a new fireteam will burn this newly set speedrun record. Meanwhile, PC users are now excited to get their hands on the second game installment from Bungie. “Destiny 2” is scheduled to arrive on PC on October 24. You can check out the video of the speedrun of the Leviathan raid below.