A lot of “Destiny 2” fans were talking about some changes that they would want to see done for its Endgame content. Game Director Christopher Barrett announced that there will be new changes soon for that part. They want to ensure that the players will feel rewarded for their efforts.

Barrett also revealed some early patch notes for next week’s update. It contained a fix on a particular emote issue.

It also included improvements to the Crucible PVP mode. There were also some reductions to score limits.

Planning ahead for future gameplay experience

The game director stated that seven weeks since their game's launching, they are already thinking of ideas about what they would create next. They also want to improve its other features. They are hoping this will satisfy the fans and make new players interested.

Upcoming changes

The game company will add new systems and rewards for their most engaged players. These will all be optional quests. They will also get better rewards for completing the difficult Prestige activities.

Strikes, adventures, and Lost Sectors will have better rewards in the future, and its replay value will be increased. Barrett also promised one of the most awaited features that many fans are asking for - private matches for competitive Crucible play. The current target for its release will be in early 2018.

There will be improvements and balance for Crucible play like Supremacy scoring and spawning rules. Crucible matches will also have better rewards for completion. Players will be penalized for quitting these games.

Iron Banner and Faction Rallies will have continued improvements in the future. These improvements will include unique rewards. The mod economy will have changes to make it more interesting and impactful for everyone.

Exotics will have ongoing improvements. This will include changes to lessen the chances of its duplication in the future.

Spending surplus currency and materials will have improvements. The game company will also introduce a new emote interface that allows players to equip Six Shooter, Flip out, Spicy Ramen, and Salty all at the same time.

Early patch notes for upcoming update revealed

In other “Destiny 2related news, early patch notes of update 1.0.6. was recently revealed by Bungie. The new update will fix the issue of the collision detection on the Bureaucratic Walk emote. Another general issue that caused players to encounter empty public space in free roam was also fixed.

Mercy will activate slightly later in the match with the newly updated Mercy Rule settings.

This will allow the player to have a wider range of scores to trigger it. Numerous reductions were also done, like the score limit of Clash will now be 50 instead of 75.

Check out the official "Destiny 2" PC ViDoc here: