The Sims 4 is now deemed as the most successful title in the popular life simulation franchise from Electronic Arts. Thanks to a bunch of DLC packs that came and are yet to come, the game is still a lot of fun three years after its release in 2014.

Fans were excited when Maxis officially announced the much-awaited Cats And Dogs” expansion pack in July. Then, the studio also showed its sincere desire to let the fans get involved in creating the community stuff pack that is now officially titled “Laundry Day Stuff.”

Fans’ wishlist

However, the fans' wishlist does not stop on these upcoming add-ons.

They still wish to see “seasons” as well as the inclusion of burglars to make it in “The Sims 4.”

While Maxis stays mum on whether the current life simulation title will feature “seasons” in the near future, an “insider scoop” recently revealed an update regarding the possible addition of burglars gameplay in the base game.

Burglars gameplay unlikely

On Monday, “The Sims” forum member Tolkien, who claimed to have a friend that works at EA Sports Burnaby, shared an interesting tidbit with other simmers. He revealed the apparent reason why the burglars are not being added in the fourth title.

According to Sims Community, Tolkien revealed that his source at EA said that it might stir up the new generation of players. If this is anything to go by, it simply means that this group of players would not like see this feature in the game.

Apparently, the production team has members who belong to this new generation. They believe that an invasion of their safe place or home could trigger some feelings of discomfort.

Although players can investigate crimes in “Get to Work” DLC, this feature is not like “being the victim of a crime.” Seemingly, the game tries to promote a safer and happier experience for players, so adding burglars would no longer fit especially for a certain type of gamers.

It is noted, however, that this piece of information remains unconfirmed. So, It is still plausible that just like “seasons,” the inclusion of burglars in the gameplay might eventually happen at some point, especially if a lot of fans want the addition of these features.

What's coming next

For the time being, fans can look forward to the release of “Cats and Dogs” expansion on November 10 on PC and Mac Os. Earlier, Maxis confirmed that this hotly anticipated DLC will allow gamers to customize their pets in Create-a-Pet, run a veterinary clinic, and other exciting features.

“The Sims 4” is currently available on Windows PC and Mac OS platforms. The current installment of the life simulation series is slated to arrive on Xbox One and PS4 on November 17.