A new Real World event will be reportedly launched in “Pokemon Go” soon. The latest information comes from a newly found image assets in the game. It appears that Niantic Labs is keeping true to its promise of regularly launching events in the popular augmented reality title. Aside from the scheduled Safari Zone Events happening all over the world, the latest discoveries give fans something to look forward to.
It appears that players will be busy with the EX Raid Battles, Legendary Beasts, Mewtwo launch, and the alleged new real world events on the horizon.
UN Global Goals
The “Pokemon GO” Hub recently shared their latest discoveries in the game. The team found images of a couple of in-game t-shirts in the app’s downloaded asset. The shirts have the United Nations' "Global Goals for Sustainable Development logo with male and female variations. The site found the asset names, m_shirt_tshirt_global_goals_2017_bundle_icon.png and f_shirt_tshirt_global_goals_2017_bundle_icon.png.
The latest report sparked excitement among players as the possibility of a new event coming soon is inevitable.
In the past, the augmented reality game has collaborated with the Global Goals team where 17 various PokeStops were created. The activity happened in January 2017 during the World Economic Forum. It was launched to promote the seventeen different goals of each initiative.
There are speculations in the community right now that the shirts could be tied to an upcoming event, which the players have already missed experiencing. Although the players are immersed in catching the Legendary Birds and Beasts, the game has not yet launched a new event since its anniversary last July.
Launch date
The alleged Real World Event is speculated to take place this month particularly between September 16 and 23.
The idea stems from the activity of the United Nations, which has a Global Goals Week scheduled on the same dates. This activity intends to raise awareness for its initiatives.
Legendary Raid Egg
Meanwhile, a Legendary Egg is recently spotted in the Gym located at Bay Bridge in San Franciso. The egg is seen along with a countdown timer, which indicates the time the egg will be hatched. It is worth noting that Niantic Labs previously removed the eggs in the raids during the anniversary event in July. The latest sighting sends mixed reactions among players. While some are delighted to get the eggs back, others are not happy. The egg later hatched and reveals that it contains the Legendary Beast Raikou.
The Un Global Goal event and the Legendary Egg are a couple of information that is not yet confirmed by Niantic Labs. For now, these are just mere speculations. Fans are looking forward that the two recent discoveries will soon be launched in “Pokemon Go.”