Jeff Kaplan, the “Overwatch” game director, recently released a developer update video where he discussed players toxicity issues and inappropriate behaviors. Jeff Kaplan claims that these bad behaviors are slowing down the games improvements because instead of creating new maps, modes, heroes, and animated shorts, the “Overwatch” development team is dedicating a number of resources towards regulating the player's behaviors.
Why is there a lot of toxic players?
The director also said that some “Overwatch” players are taking advantage of their online anonymity. Some players are not afraid to speak their minds and behave inappropriately in the game just because no one knows them. According to a report from ComicBook, the “Overwatch” development team is in a hard position because they spend a lot of time punishing players and trying to make all of them behave appropriately. Jeff Kaplan wants to put an end to players toxicity issues so that they can develop new and exciting features for the game soon.
Video about toxicity issues is ineffective
A lot of people were impressed with Jeff Kaplan’s statement for pushing back against the toxic behavior, but some people find it ineffective. According to Randi Lee Harper, the founder of the group OAPI (Online Abuse Prevention Initiative), Kaplan’s statements did not mean too much, especially when the director referred to “bad people” and “good people.” Harper also stated that it would be more effective if Kaplan defined “bad behavior” and site some examples about it. Kaplan should have discussed getting rid of “bad behavior” instead of getting rid of “bad people.” Toxicity in “Overwatch” and other online games today is in a constant war, and developers need to lead the change and strategy to win the battle on toxicity.
Kaplan dropped some hints about the upcoming hero
On the other hand, it seems like “Overwatch” will be getting its new character soon. According to a report from IGN, Jeff Kaplan announced that the “Hero 26” is currently under development. The director claims that the new hero is very playable and very fun internally. But Kaplan has not revealed any specific details about the upcoming hero.
There are two most requested heroes in the “Overwatch” community, namely the Junker Queen and Psyren. The Junker Queen only appeared in posters of the Junktown map, and her voice can also be heard over the loudspeakers in the trailer of the “Junkertown: The Plan.” Meanwhile, Psyren is rumored to be a Blackwatch member and a student of Reaper.