Blizzard unveiled its latest animated short titled Rise and Shine on August 23 at the Gamescom 2017. It features the fan-favorite “Overwatch” in-house climatologist Mei. Here are the latest details about the latest animated short.

Rise and Shine

Blizzard debuts today the latest animated short of “Overwatch” at the Gamescom. The video features Mei and her cute companion Snowball. The hero wakes up at Ecopoint Antarctica and goes about her regular routine. Soon after, she discovers that her day will be far from normal. She finds out that nine years have already passed since her cryo-slumber. Mei discovers that the rest of the crew died in their cryo tubes.

Her companion Snowball is a consistent cuteness in the animated short.

Braving a major ice storm, the hero finds a way to redeem the data collected while she was in cryo-slumber. Mei builds a Blaster until the power goes out. Then comes the sad part of the video. Snowball sacrifices itself in order to provide the hero enough power to complete the Blaster. Because of the help of the Blaster, she is able to get into the topmost part of the signal tower and get out of the icy abyss. In the end, both Mei and Snowball are alive.

Director Ben Dai introduced the latest animated short for the game. Through the video, the director was able to convey the point that without science, the team would be in trouble.

You can check out the video below.


Meanwhile, On August 21, Blizzard also revealed a new Escort Map for its popular augmented reality game. Dubbed as Junkertown, it brings the community to the post-apocalyptic Australian Outback. The Escort map is introduced by the heroes in the game who used to live in the place, Junkrat, and Roadhog.

The latest Escort map will task players with escorting a payload full of cash and explosives and bring it to the place just right beside the Queen. The identity of the Queen is yet to be revealed. Fans are speculating that the map could be released in the game’s Public Test Realm right after Gamescom.

The latest “Overwatch” map has a language error that later propelled game director Jeff Kaplan to apologize to the entire Australian country for being culturally insensitive.

A player pointed out that Blizzard could have changed the term Take-Out to Take-Away as the way Australian would call it. While he claimed that it is not really a big deal, the player also worries that some Australian fans might think the game developer is insensitive.