As Capcom previously released a trailer for their other Monster Hunter spin-off game, they also released two new trailers of their upcoming game "Monster Hunter: World." The first trailer is an overview of a new world called "Wildspire Waste." the second one details the game's system and cycle. To quickly get to the point, here are the following below:
Wildspire Waste trailer
Here is the "Wildspire Waste" trailer that features the world and its environment via Gematsu in YouTube:
The field is a desert and will be a home to new species of monsters both new and old.
Game Cycle trailer
On the other hand, here is the game cycle trailer via CapcomChannel on YouTube:
First, the trailer above reveals the quest system. When players accept a quest, provided that they suffice the requirements and gold required, they will be taken with a monster or wyvern. For fans of heights, they will be taken to their destination via air transportation---the winged monster. Second, the common items that hunters see during their quests are the red chest, blue chest, and camp. Items and essentials are contained in the blue chest while delivery and gathering quests use the red chest.
The revealed features doesn't end there. Third, locating a monster is easy when a hunter knows how to trace their presence through footsteps, manure, and the like. Noticing such trails and clues, there will be fireflies that will be hovering over them, which makes it easier to find and locate. By using all these clues, a hunter is able to locate the target's habitat or current location. Once they find it, the fight begins.
When a hunter defeats the target monster in the quest, they are able to carve materials from it like the monster's webbings, skin, mane, tail, scales, and more.
Upgrading at the blacksmith
Of course, a hunter's life is difficult without a blacksmith. Thus, the game cycle trailer above shows the blacksmith and upgrading process.
The upgrading method is now easier and faster to use. The required materials for an upgrade, along with the weapon choice are detailed on both left and right sides. A flow chart can be seen, detailing the weapon's upgrade both the increments of damage output and special abilities.
Going back to the teased weapons, there are 14 weapons in total. Weapons are essential in monster hunting and a hunter's companion to defend themselves.
Hopefully, there are more information and gameplay videos that will be revealed in the future. Monster Hunter: World will be released worldwide in early 2018, next year, on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms while the PC version will follow later on. On the other hand, the PlayStation 4 will only be released in Japan.