“Friday the 13th: The Game” will now have a new reporting feature that will help players report the bugs and glitches in the game. The recent announcement from Gun Media and Illfonic also reveals the new website dedicated to taking care of these issues in the game.
Jason Kills Bugs dot com
“Friday The 13th: The Game” will have a new website, jasonkillsbug dot com, ready to kill the bugs that players encounter in the asymmetrical horror title.
The latest site launched by Gun media and Illfonic dedicated solely for handling reports about the bugs is part of their most recent communication revamp. The game’s website was also reworked recently where the developer shared the upcoming contents that will soon be deployed in the game.
The announcement of the new bug-reporting website was headed by one of the game creators and was also shared on Twitter through the game’s official account. This will surely make players happy that they will now have one hub to go to when they encounter bugs or glitches in the game. The website utilizes a regular report-a-bug system with two fields that players will have to fill out.
While the site is heavily advertised as dedicated solely for bugs reporting, there is an option that is noticeably interesting.
Reporting players
On the website, there are two selectable categories provided for those who would like to report other players in the game. The categories are Exploit/Hack and Team Killing/Player Misconduct. In addition, there are areas where the reporter can upload screenshots and videos. There is also a section where they can list the details of the action. Moreover, there is a lengthy box at the bottom most part where reporters can give more details about what happened.
The latest announcement is very useful in minimizing if not solving the bugs in the game. The reporting a player feature will also curb the pressing issue of Team Killing in the game that has been raised by many players.
While the upcoming update has already removed Team Killing in Public games, the car and the bear trap are still able to foster the act and might just defeat the purpose of removing the feature after all.
There are numerous players who are getting bored with the game that sometimes exploits Team Killing. It is one of the major reasons why Gun media and Illfonic have decided to remove it in the Public games. Fans are hoping that with the new website that handles bugs and also caters to reporting other players who are abusing the game, the pesky issues in “Friday the 13th: The Game” will now be gradually resolved.