Just when the fandom has settled to the thought that Bungie's "Destiny 2" is less than a week from being released, details about the upcoming game's first downloadable content surfaced. Reports also suggest that the game segment will showcase a famed wizard of lore alongside some nifty stuff.
First DLC may have been leaked
It is believed that the first expansion of "Destiny 2" will focus on the game's mysterious warlock – Osiris.
Rumored to be dubbed "The Curse of Osiris," the yet to be announced DLC will have players embark on this rescue mission to save the former Vanguard from the ancient cyborg race known as the Vex.
Fans might remember back in the first game that there was a tournament in honor of the famed wizard known as Trials of Osiris where they choose the worthiest Guardians to fight for their cause. Previous leaks claim that the tourney will be back in "Destiny 2," though it will be renamed to Trials of the Nine."
The DLC is also believed to bring in a new patrol zone on the Planet Mercury and some sort of a social space in the Lighthouse.
It was also noted that the Lighthouse will now be open to everyone unlike in the first "Destiny" where it is a hangout for Guardians who won flawlessly in the Osiris tourney.
One tough comrade
A Kotaku report claims that the DLC will be released sometime in December and will be followed by another expansion that is slated to be out Spring of next year. Rumor mills suggest that the second additional content might put the Warmind Rasputin in the spotlight.
For those who are new to the mythos, the Rasputin is a powerful AI that defended the Earth during the Collapse. It also holds the distinction of the only Warmind to have faced the Darkness and pulled through the ordeal. It was apparently protecting something beneath Old Russia from entities that tried to get it.
Live action teaser coming up
Meanwhile, Bungie recently took to Twitter to announce that they will soon be rolling out another teaser trailer for "Destiny 2." Game buffs believe that this could be a live action sizzler reel as they did with the first game.
The developer also showcased a new upcoming vehicle that will be included in the game known as the Athena Victorious. The new Sparrow is said to be exclusive to Virgin Fibre customers in the U.K. while the U.S. players can check out the Pop Tarts promotion about how to get the sleek speedster. Check out a video about "Destiny 2" here: