"ARK: Survival Evolved" players are probably scratching their heads right now with the news that just came in. Its game developer Studio Wildcard has recently announced that they'll be deleting selected servers after they previously stated that they won't.

Reports suggest that Wildcard already has a roster of servers (483 to be exact) that are about to get axed on the 29th of this month.

However, the developer clarified that they'll be wiping out underpopulated servers that have way fewer players on it.

The decision is final

The developer also took it to Reddit as its community manager – who goes by the Redditor name wildcardjen – further explained their criteria on which servers are getting chopped off. Per the post, it was stated that PC servers that are averaging with five players or less will be deleted. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One servers, on the other hand, will be wiped out if the average is around six to seven players.

Now that it's being decided, players who will be hit by the deletion only have several days to save their progress and migrate their game to a Server that is safe from the purge.

This has irked "ARK's" player base as it was assured by the developer way back in June that there will be no server wipes.

Servers that are bound to be booted out will be deemed as Legacy Servers, and these will no longer be getting any customer support in the event players are met with some major issues during gameplay. Wildcard also stated that ongoing tickets on their customer support will be deleted as well including future tickets coming from these Legacy Servers.

Tech support for Legacies

However, the game maker highlighted that players who'll still be using these servers will be getting some sort of technical support. In an interview, Wildcard stated that they will still be monitoring these Legacy Servers and provide support on the functional side as they will see to it that these are up and running and updated.

New teaser trailer dropped

Meanwhile, it may well seem that "ARK: Survival Evolved" will be pushing through with its August 29 release as Wildcard recently released a Teaser Trailer for the game. The sizzler reel even hinted on a feature that players can build an underwater base alongside some massive deep sea creatures. The developer even included something in the video and fans can look for it early on in the trailer. Check out a video about the upcoming game here: