The latest “Overwatch” update 1.13 on PTR has been a gold mine of information from data miners and game enthusiasts. In the past week, several reports claimed that even the crash log report of the game reveals the code Doomfist/Summer Games 2017. The discoveries do not just stop there as more details were found in the game’s upcoming patch. The latest finds further confirm the previous leaks and gave more information of other game events.

Latest data mine

On Reddit, Redditor crystallinespark99 shared that “Overwatch” Summer Games logo and the Season 6 Hero spray were found in the game’s latest patch on PTR. The Redditor added that the data were left unencrypted. These files are usually encrypted and the on the Public Test Realm but these files were stored with a known key.

Summer Games 2017

It appears that the Summer Games 2017 is happening in the game soon. In the early part of the June, Blasting News reported about the audio files discovered through data mine, which could possibly hint on the summer activity of the game. The audio files were dominantly drums sounding with festive tone.

While there were earlier speculations that the audio files are pointing to a possible Mardi Gras event, more succeeding leaks underlined that it is most likely referring to the summer event.

Aside from the audio files, there were five player icons also found in the data mine, which many believe hints about the game’s event every summer. These icons are flags of Spain, Iraq, New Zealand, India, and Antarctica. According to speculations, it is similar to the previous summer games where icons of some countries were involved as it participates in the Olympics held in the same year.

Season 6 spray

Data miners also found the Season Six spray. The spray refers to the game’s Competitive Season, which is scheduled to start in August.

In addition, this spray will be given to the Top 500 placers as a reward in the game’s competitive play.

The spray, according to several claims could be referring to Anubis, a location in Egypt. A traveler, which appears to be riding on a horse or a camel on top of a hill or a cliff, was shown. The traveler seems to be overseeing something from where he is positioned with the sunset in the foreground.

Currently, Blizzard has not yet revealed the release date of the “Overwatch” patch 1.13 on PTR. Most likely, it will roll out this July or in August. We will give you more updates about your favorite game as soon as information becomes available.