The most interesting thing about “Overwatch” is the balance it gives to gameplay character-wise. It is rare to see such consistency in a game, though many gamers don't believe it. Interestingly, director Jeff Kaplan came out and revealed some compelling statistics.

According to PVP Live, the “Overwatch” director just unleashed a boatload of statistics that provide an in-depth insight into the game maps. It is worth noting, however, that the data presented by Kaplan only covers the past two months. Here is everything about it in a nutshell.

The Quick Play statistics

Kaplan revealed the statistics involving the game’s Quick Play mode. These are the win-rates for both the Attack and the Defense in all of the game’s Escort and Assault maps. Although these figures were run for a short period of time, they were still enough to break the notion that certain maps have a huge advantage oi attacks over defense and vice versa. Unfortunately, the numbers do not support that. Check them out below:

  • Dorado: Attack 49.66%, Defense 50.34%
  • Eichenwalde: Attack 46.13%, Defense 53.87%
  • Hanamura: Attack 49.79%, Defense 50.21%
  • Horizon: Attack 54.50%, Defense 45.50%
  • Hollywood: Attack 49.91%, Defense 50.09%
  • King's Row: Attack 50.14%, Defense 49.86%
  • Numbani: Attack 49.40%, Defense 50.60%
  • Route 66: Attack: 49.94%, Defense 50.06%
  • Temple of Anubis: Attack 49.92%, Defense 50.08%
  • Volskaya: Attack 49.76%, Defense 50.24%
  • Watchpoint: Gibraltar: Attack 50.13%, Defense 49.87%

What the statistics actually mean

The problem “Overwatch” players have with the game is the way certain maps are positioned for success.

They believe that Blizzard failed to balance the maps in a way that no loophole would surface and that no significant advantage would be given to either an attacking or defending team. But judging the way the numbers look, this notion is nothing but a myth. In fact, the statistics really do prove that the maps are well-balanced, contrary to popular belief.

Remember: most MOBA titles nowadays fail to apply this balance to their maps, compromising the overall gameplay experience of players.

Kaplan and his team at Blizzard have been very vocal about their goal to make “Overwatch” a fair game for its players. Most updates they release are either meant to fix certain bugs or provide quality of life improvements.

In some cases, though, they are there to provide buffs or nerfs. Still, at the end of the day, the goal of the updates is to make the title as fairly balanced as possible. So far, it has worked tremendously for the game, with its apparent success being the number one evidence.