Restaurants are sure to make changes in the future with the changing market and with new technology. Dunkin' Donuts is a chain that has been around for a long time in America for its excellent service and breakfast options of bagels, muffins, coffee, and, well, donuts. The restaurant chain though is looking to shorten its name after so many years.

The name change

The restaurant will be changing its signature name from Dunkin' Donuts to just Dunkin'. According to an article by Fox News, the change will be put into effect starting on January 1 of next year.

According to the company: "the shorter, snappier new moniker better aligns with the java chain's emphasis on its various beverages." It seems that the brand is trying to shift their focus away from donuts and more to their different line of beverages instead.

Many have referred the chain as Dunkin' anyways, but regardless, users on Twitter snapped at the change after so many years. In fact, the company has been around for 68 years and will now be shortening its name. Individuals on Twitter were quick to voice their displeasure and confusion on the idea to change their name after close to 70 years of business.

Others were accepting of the name as they referenced them by the new name anyways.

Not the only one

Dunkin' Donuts is not the first company within the year to choose to change their name, as IHOP changed its name to IHOb, which originally was met with sharp criticism and outrage. The chain also is making the change after being in business for more than 60 years, making it the International House of Burgers, not pancakes. There was also some good news as September comes to a close, with Wendy's offering free hamburgers for the month if customers download their mobile app.

Reasons for the change

According to an article by Delish, David Hoffmann, CEO of Dunkin' Donuts, explained why they chose to shorten the name.

He cited, according to a source from Business Insider, that an "emphasis on drinks" and "Simplifying the brand as a whole" were reasons for the change. Dunkin' will still be selling donuts, but wants to create more beverages and be about that instead, along with just simplifying the brand.

A lot of information shows that the restaurant chain will be making a lot of changes in the future, with its name, but also, its beverages. According to the article, Dunkin' Donuts cut about 10 items from its menu and lowered the different types of donuts that they sell. The company is seeming to focus on being healthy as donuts are not very good in that respect.