All the gifts have been unwrapped, the wrapping paper and ribbons cast aside and the whole family has feasted on Christmas treats and egg nog. Now it's time to relax on the sofa and binge some of the favorite Christmas movies and new shows out there on the streaming channels while munching on those delicious chocolates you got as a gift!.
'Watchmen' - HBO
While initially it was irritating to have to wait each week for the latest episode, for those with patience, the whole first season of “Watchmen” is now available for streaming on HBO. The show is a little dark, and complicated, but well worth the watch as you head to the finale episode.
'His Dark Materials' - HBO
This one is also on HBO and the show has already reached the finale episode, so it’s definitely worth a binge. Watch “His Dark Materials” to find out what happens with Lyra and her pals at the North Pole and how their and our worlds are connected.