California elementary student Ryan Kirkpatrick found himself in tears one morning after watching a news report regarding a kid who couldn't pay her school lunch debt. Fox 13 reports the little girl is only in kindergarten and was shamed by other kids. The 9-year-old brought the lunch debt to his mother's attention with tears in his eyes.
According to his mother, Kylie, Ryan saw the news report and approached her while she was getting ready for work. She says he was crying and couldn't understand the situation. That's when she explained to her 9-year-old that students have to pay for school lunch.
And whenever they're unable to do that, they accumulate debt. She says he didn't agree with that notion at all.
Fox 13 states that Kylie and Ryan spoke with the food service department of the district where he attends West Park Elementary School. They inquired about the total amount owed for all kids at Ryan's elementary. Reportedly, the lunch debt approximated to nearly $800. Unfortunately, the school wasn't too empathetic about its students and the fact they're acquiring debt at such a young age, especially for lunch. According to the district, they accrue it "no matter their age."
An elementary student pays everyone's school lunch debt
Specifically, Ryan's mom asked how much lunch debt the elementary's third-graders owed.
Reportedly, it was around $75. That's when she asked the 9-year-old about how he wanted to resolve the situation. Her elementary student said, "I'm going to pay the bill." And that's exactly what happened. After approaching the school's business office, his mother wrote a check for the lunch debt. ABC states that it came from money the student saved from his allowance.
Although he'd usually purchase sporting equipment with it, he chose to help his classmates eat lunch, ABC reports.
Ryan also told the school secretary to inform his classmates' families that the debt had been paid. For Kylie and Ryan, it was upsetting that kids were being burdened with this kind of stress and debt. Kids should be allowed to simply be kids.
For some kids, school lunch is all they eat for the day, depending on their parents' financial situation.
According to the 9-year-old's mother, she and Ryan talked about how one person, "regardless of age," is able to start a movement and bring awareness to an issue. She says that, in their family, "community happens over a meal." Ryan says he wants his classmates to know that someone cares about them. And after taking care of everyone's school lunch debt, hopefully they feel his concern for their well-being.
If you're interested in local coverage, a video interview is located below. But all in all, let us know your thoughts about Ryan's regard for his fellow classmates.