It is called Hot Dog Water and it is a product making headline news today after it was placed on sale, at a festival, over the weekend. It is said that a sucker is born every minute and it appears that an artist might have found a few of them at a recent event held in Canada. People who attended the Car-Free Day festival, in Vancouver over the weekend, got a chance to purchase a new product that came with promises galore when it came to the benefits it offered.
Hot Dog Water is advertised as "unfiltered hot dog water," which is precisely what you get.
A small bottle, almost resembling a test tube due to its size, contained that water along with a hot dog floating inside.
Puzzled festival goers hop on social media
It didn't take long for the festival goers to hop on social media and share this very strange product that they happened upon at the event. One of the festival attendees posted their thoughts on the hot dog floating in water product, which is seen below.
This booth that sells unfiltered hot dog water is hands down the strangest thing at Car-Free day, and I have no idea - literally none - as to whether it is real or an elaborate stunt
— Moebius Stripper (@moebius_strip) June 17, 2018
It seems that this Twitter user was doing just what the product was created to do, she was engaging in critical thinking.
She was wondering if it was "real or an elaborate stunt," as seen in her caption. According to Yahoo News, the artist who attempted to sell the unfiltered hot dog water product at the festival booth did so as an experiment of sorts.
Douglas Bevans is not only a performance artist but he is also the CEO of Hot Dog Water. His sales pitch promised the world, as he tells the crowd, that this product is "Keto compatible" and it is also a product that will help you lose weight.
Miracle product
Bevans tells the prospective customers that the water contains everything you need, like sodium, for your post-workout. It not only increases the function of your brain, but it will make you look and feel younger. Increasing your vitality is also a promised benefit Bevans offers to the puzzled customers.
Fine print disclaimer
The fine print on the bottle conveys just what you are really purchasing when you buy this product. It states, “Hot Dog Water in its absurdity hopes to encourage critical thinking related to product marketing and the significant role it can play in our purchasing choices.” In other words, if you shelled out the $38 bucks for one of these hot dog water bottles, you've been stung.
What the product did do at that festival was leave people both amused and confused. For those who took the time out to explore the bottle and its contents, along with reading the disclaimer on the bottle before buying it - sure it was probably amusing. But what about those folks who took in the sales pitch as the gospel truth and purchased their hot dog in water?
They might not find this experiment funny.
Bevans spent his own money on the bottles, labels and of course the hot dogs, which put him back about $1,200. While he didn't report the number of sales, Trib Live reports "there actually were a lot of people willing to give such an idea a try." Bevans reported that they went through about 60 liters of their product, Hot Dog Water.
Lesson on critical thinking
Bevans ultimate goal was for people to walk away thinking about all those expensive bottles of water they purchase. He hopes they will reconsider spending their money on the promises of "raw" and "smart water." He wants them to think twice about purchasing water that despite having no scientific evidence to offer, makes all sorts of claims on how you will benefit from these products.
It seems to all boil down to this performance artist attempting to steer people away from people like him, trying to sell promises in a bottle that contains nothing special. He shows this by bottling hotdogs that you can buy in a supermarket in the same type of water you can get from your tap.