Jesus walked the face of the earth preaching and teaching. Sometimes he rode on a donkey. Some well-known preachers have a different method of getting around. Jesse Duplantis is the latest televangelist who wants followers to pay for a private plane. If he gets a $54 million private jet, it will be his fourth airplane.

The prosperity gospel preacher told his followers that Jesus would also want a faster mode of transportation instead of on the back of a donkey if he lived on Earth today.

Duplantis added that Jesus would be riding on an airplane going to places all over the world to preach and teach.

Why preacher wants the fourth plane

Duplantis insists that God told him to get a fourth plane because he needs another one so he can spread the gospel to as many people as possible. That's why he is asking hundreds of thousands of followers across the world to finance another luxury jet. His followers have already given money for the televangelist to get three other private jets. The Dassault Falcon 7X that the preacher wants is a three-engine jet.

The New Orleans televangelist made his appeal for money in a five-minute video that was posted on his website on May 21.

He purchased a private jet in 1994, in 2004, and in 2006.

About Jesse Duplantis

The televangelist is the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries that includes a weekly television program that reaches 106 million households in the United States. His goal is to reach all seven billion people on this Earth. The prosperity gospel preacher and his wife founded Covenant Church in Destrehan, Louisiana in 1997.

Other preachers with private jets

Duplantis is not the only gospel preacher who has asked followers to invest in a private jet for their ministries. In 2015, televangelist Creflo Dollar was criticized for asking his 200,000 followers to fund a luxury Gulfstream G650 plane so he could share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with more people.

He never did get that particular jet. After a public outcry, his ministry settled for a used model that didn't cost as much.

Another prosperity gospel preacher who asked for money for a private jet is Kenneth Copeland. He purchased a Gulfstream V jet from actor Tyler Perry earlier this year. A picture of the plane is on his website. After getting millions for the plane, Copeland asked for another $2.5 million for a new hangar, special maintenance equipment, and a longer runway. Duplantis and Copeland appeared in the same YouTube video making requests to followers.