Make the most of the smartphone era as there are things your Phones Can Do about which you have no clue. Did you know your phone can double up as a tape measure and can actually help you stay safe when you're traveling alone?

After reading this list, next time you're packing for a vacation or even a work trip, all you’ll need to carry a phone and a charger because as it turns out, your smartphone is smarter than you ever imagined.

So here are all the awesome and practical things your phone can do.

1. Send song messages

Sending texts or sharing audios is so 2017. This new year, try sending your texts as auto-tuned songs fitting your friend's mood. The app called Ditty actually converts your typed message into a fun auto-tuned song with music, which you can choose and you can basically send it to your friend as a musical text message.

2. Project away

The thing we're about to tell you is seriously futuristic and you've probably only seen it in space movies. The app called Hudway lets you transfer the screen of your phone on the windshield of your car.

So you don't have to hold up a phone for GPS directions you can practically see them right before your eyes.

3. Measuring it up

Do you always need to carry a measuring tape for work, vacation or house chores? Did you know that your phone can do the job for you? Yes, report that the app called Size Up is basically a very smart measuring tape. It works with your phone camera. You basically need to take a picture of the item you want to measure and the app does it for you.

4. Save the power

Is your smartphone basically like your work buddy? It has all your emails, messages, and important data and if you think about it, you access all your information from your phone - more frequently than you use your laptop.

You obviously get panic attacks every time your phone dies on you. The app called Mighty Text lets you sync your phone with your laptop or tablet. This way you can access all your data from your laptop even if your phone runs out of juice.

5. Make decisions

Had you ever thought that your phone can make better decisions than you? Because it can. The app called Decision Crafting makes hard decisions look easy based on simple data. It's basically a multi-criteria app. You just need to update the information at your disposal, and the app helps you make even the most mundane decisions like what to order or which transport to take to work.

6. Keeping you safe

Your smartphone is now a life saver - literally.

If you've ever felt unsafe while walking alone at night or find yourself in a bad situation, the app called BSafe can be a huge help. The app will basically send an update to your listed emergency contacts, track your location, and set a timer. The alarm on the timer will send an alert to your friends if you don't turn it off on time. The app also has provisions for recording the audio and video around you.

7. Your style needs

Do you often fret because you can't afford a stylist and yet struggle to keep up with fashion trends? Then your phone can be of great service. The app called GoodLook doesn't just keep you in the loop about the latest runway trends, but it can also totally create your wardrobe for you.

You can create looks before getting dressed for work. The app helps you with everyday ensembles which have been created by professional stylists.

8. Detox a bit

Do you know your phone can help you out if you're too dependent on it? Almost everybody coordinates their lives on their phones but we often get carried away and get distracted by our phones when we're supposed to get work done. Students especially often feel that they can't tear themselves away from their phones.

The app called AppDetox can help you stay focused. You just have to identify the apps which distract you the most and you can use the app to block your access to those apps for a specific time.

9. Move around

Do you often struggle with commuting options for work and lose your mind trying to figure out the easier, less crowded route?

Then you're in desperate need of Moovit. It's basically an app which makes your transit a lot easier. The app gives you accurate updates on traffic schedules and transit options which help you save time and opt for the fastest route.

10. Math made easy

Are you bad at math? Have you often felt the need for a more advanced calculator which could solve those deadly equations? Then you can reach for your phone. The app called MyScript Calculator actually does your math equations for you. You just have to write your equations on your phone's screen and the app will just solve it for you.

11. SoundHound

Do you ever hear a great song but fail to recognize it? Wouldn't it be great if an app could instantly recognize the track?

The app called SoundHound tells you all about the song that's playing around you. You can just tap a button and get all the information about the song from the singer to the lyrics.

12. Find your phone!

Your phone can now help you find itself. The app called Clap Phone Finder will be activated whenever you clap your hands upon losing your phone. It will then generate a sound which will help you find it.