Many older women did not do anything to achieve their hourglass figure as teenagers. Their bodies simply developed into a desirable shape. After menopause, however, there may be weight gain in all the wrong places and you may no longer feel attractive in the Clothing you wear. Before you rush off to try the latest exercise program or fad diet, there is one thing you can do now that will make an immediate difference in how you look. The simple clothing hack of shapewear will not only improve your overall appearance but will have you feeling better as well.

Your posture, self-esteem and of course your figure will all improve. You will look much in the fashions you choose to wear.

Finding the right clothing hack for you

All bodies do not have the same issue, so it is important to find the shapewear that best benefits your particular frame. You can search online and check out stores in your community or benefit from these helpful tips from Sixty and Me. One clothing hack that is popular is Spanx which includes, swimsuits, full body shapers, pantyhose, bras, leggings, and panties — all designed by a woman for women. This product has been endorsed by celebrities such as Oprah and Tyra Banks. This is probably why their bodies seem so smooth and sleek, even though they are plus sized.

Spanx offers a wide range of undergarments, for the female form, that includes full body shapers, swimsuits, panties, pantyhose, and bras. These items can create a more youthful appearance by firming, shaping, and lifting your body in all the right places. Spanx uses a lightweight cotton material that allows the skin to breathe.

It offers medium control, which means that it won't restrict or bind and cause discomfort. What it will do, however, is smooth out lumps and bumps that postmenopausal women often deal with. One product that is highly recommended is Oncore, which is a mid-thigh bodysuit that is said to give a fabulous effect, and also diminishes muffin top and back fat.

Women over 60 have many choices

Sixty And Me indicates that maturing women have a wide range of shapewear to choose from that address multiple issues that females over age 60 deal with. You can determine the level of control you desire by purchasing undergarments in light medium or heavy-duty. You can find undergarments, arm shapewear, and bodysuits as clothing hacks that will give the appearance of firmer arms, a fuller firmer bust, round, high firm backside, a flat tummy, and the hourglass shape you used to have or always wanted.

Make sure that you find shapewear that is fitted just for you so you will be comfortable. This is most important when purchasing a bra because Sixty And Me indicates that this will take five years off of your appearance.

Taking the time and investing the money in these undergarment clothing hacks will also help you feel a lot more youthful because they pull up what gravity has caused to sag. This causes you to feel lighter and may put a spring in your step so, get started today. Postmenopausal women have never had it so good!