Most Americans love watching fireworks on the Fourth of July. After watching parades and eating good food all day long, people look forward to watching fireworks at night. However, most people don't know why fireworks and Independence Day go together.
John Adams
John Adams, the second President of the United States, is the one to thank for fireworks on the holiday. After the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, Adams told the nation to celebrate, and to celebrate big to commemorate the birth of the nation. The United States received its freedom from Great Britain, and it was a reason to celebrate.
Adams anticipated that the Declaration of Independence would be signed. On July 3, 1776, and he wrote a letter to his wife, Abigail, and told her he wanted the occasion to be celebrated with pomp and parade, with games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations. This was to take place forever in the United States on July 4.
Adams' wishes were carried out a year later on July 4, 1777. Since then, fireworks have been part of Fourth of July celebrations. According to statistics, more than $800 million was spent on fireworks last year.
Fireworks: beautiful but dangerous
John Adams would be proud of how Americans have carried out his wishes. Each year, shows become bigger and more beautiful.
Today, fireworks come in the form of rockets, pinwheels, and fountains. Aerial fireworks are blasted into the sky and can be seen far away.
Fireworks have become more beautiful, but they have also become more dangerous. Many people have been injured and killed because of carelessness when it comes to fireworks. So far, some injuries and a death have already been reported since Friday.
A 25-year-old Indiana man died Monday night in Kentucky from the blunt force trauma he received when he was bending over to light fireworks. They went off prematurely and hit him in the chest.
A man lost his hand in northern Iowa when fireworks exploded. A mother and her 4-week-old baby received burns while watching an illegal show.
A 66-year-old Maryland man suffered a severe hand injury after a firework detonated in his hand.
The police and other officials stress the importance of safety when dealing with fireworks to prevent accidents. The improper use of them could be dangerous, not only to the people operating them, but to onlookers as well.
When the explosives are handled responsibly, they can be a pleasant and relaxing experience for all. There are community events where people gather to watch the show. Also, there are shows going on throughout some cities to give residents the same experience. Some of the safest/biggest shows are on television on Fourth of July. This makes it possible for all to be part of the plan John Adams instituted so long ago.