This weekend brought in a record-breaking, all black, action-packed film to movie theaters across the world. What made this film even more powerful is the fact that it debuted during black history month of 2018. Even the first lady, Michelle Obama, agrees and has co-signed this film as the hottest movie to debut this year herself! Even though it is only the second month of the year currently, I think we can all agree that "Black Panther" is the best movie of 2018 already!

Donald Trump was wrong

Well it is safe to say that Donald Trump himself was wrong about Africa just consisting of "sh*t hole countries." Even though Wakanda is a fictional place in time, it shed light on the parts of Africa that often go unnoticed through mainstream media.

"Black Panther" had Africa looking like complete paradise and the place to be right now. From the beautiful scenery of jungles, to the calm views of the beautiful waterfalls, this film shed light on the positive parts of Africa that often go unnoticed to most.

The highlight of the authentic African language 'Xhosa'

Throughout this debut, the authentic African language "Xhosa" can be heard regularly. Unlike other films that may have come out in the past, this was not something made up for the purpose of a movie. This language is real and used today throughout South Africa.

You may remember it being used by singer Zolani Mahola on music artist Shakira's song "Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)." This is also the native language of one of the greatest and most influential leaders Nelson Mandela himself.

There was a point in time where Xhosa was the only language he knew. It is amazing to see the language now being incorporated on the big screens for the world to hear.

With this amazing start of the year for Marvel, we can only hope that we get more great movies this year from the comic book giant. Ranked at five stars from Rotten Tomato, "Black Panther" brought in $242 million to 4,020 different locations in North America, $27.1 million for South Korea and $26.7 million was brought in with all premieres this weekend for the United Kingdom.

Beating out "Star Wars - The Last Jedi", "Black Panther" is now the highest grossing movie debut in history. It even broke the record for the highest grossing President's Day weekend debut beating out "Deadpool's" $152 million marks set back in 2016. What an amazing start for 2018, we can't wait to see what's up next!