Is peggy sulahian on her way out "The Real Housewives of Orange County"? The show's newest cast member isn't meshing too well with the other ladies as of late. She had a difficult time with everyone in Iceland on her first girls' trip without her husband, Diko. Let's face it, traveling to a foreign country with this group is no easy task! It was especially taxing for Peggy, however.
Understanding Peggy
The women are perplexed by Peggy Sulahian not knowing many American phrases that are uttered as a figure of speech. She insists that she knows plenty of Armenian idioms, but won't insult you if you don't know what they are.
These are the types of things that offend Peggy on "RHOC." She finds the women to be quite frustrating in this area. All season long Diko, and some of the other cast members, have had to spell out what certain phrases mean to her. In one episode Diko asked her if a bear popped in the woods and she thought it was a stupid phrase because obviously, they do since they LIVE in the woods!
Peggy isn't too fond of how some of the other "RHOC" ladies respond to her. She says she puts others in their place and isn't one to shut up. It took her a long time to get comfortable with everyone on the show and insists that she was "bullied" by almost everyone this season. Sulahian was pushed to her "limit" in Iceland, most notably by Kelly Dodd.
It's not just Kelly who's culpable in this regard. Peggy goes on to say that each person does it according to their personality. Kelly so happens to be the worst offender in her eyes is all!
A bad call
On Monday's episode, Peggy showed everyone a video she recorded while in Iceland. She blasted everyone for their behavior and suggested Meghan King Edmonds was neglecting her baby when her daughter was crying for 10 minutes.
It was a moment of poor judgment on Peggy's part and she was skewered for it. As a result, she left the trip a day early and flew back to California on her own.
Is Peggy returning to 'The Real Housewives of Orange County?'
Sulahian is open to returning for season 13 in spite of her grievances over season 12. It hasn't been an easy journey, but she's not writing it off, either.
She tells Entertainment Tonight that it "depends on who's in it." She adds that if they like her and "want class and not trash," they can count her in. With words like that, she's sure to make everlasting friends, right?
Would you like to see Peggy Sulahian return to the show? Do you think she adds "class" to the cast?
"The Real Housewives Of Orange County" airs Monday nights on Bravo at 9 PM, ET / 6 PM, PT.