Kylie Jenner and her plump lips have to led to an increase in the number of Lip procedures per year. The star revealed in 2015 that she had lip injections to make her lips into a more desirable shape and her Plastic Surgeon has come forward with claims that Kylie is directly responsible for the public wanting to get similar work done.

The star is famous for her plump lips

According to Allure, Kylie Jenner is famous for her plump lips, which she got after a series of lip injections. The star denied the claims that she had plastic surgery in order to make her lips appear plumper but eventually admitted to having work done.

Now Kylie has become a role model for several women and men as the rate of lip injections has gone up since the star's admission to the procedure.

Kylie Jenner has made a lot of money from her new lips and has even started a new brand of lip-gloss known as the "Kylie Lip Kit" to emphasize individual’s lips. The star's former thin lips have been long forgotten and the media praised Jenner for making the decision to perfect her lips.

It appears that Kylie Jenner has broken the taboo of getting one's lips done and this, coupled with the positive attention from the media, has created a recipe for success for the now 20-year-old star. The public has seen the reaction to Kylie's lip work and are more confident with making changes to the way that they look.

A plastic surgeon speaks about the Kylie effect

According to Cosmopolitan Kylie Jenner's very own plastic surgeon has come forward to talk about what he calls the Kylie Jenner effect. Doctor Simon Ourian has seen an active increase in lip procedures since 2015 when Kylie Jenner came to his office to get her own lips done.

Ourian stated that he has treated several celebrities for different procedures in the past but that very few of them have been as open as Kylie Jenner about the work that they have had done.

He stated that because Kylie Jenner has been unapologetic in the work that she has had done, she has instilled a confidence in the public that they have not had before.

In a report by Allure, Simon Ourian has stated that people now want to brag about the work that they have done to their lips rather than hide the fact that they have had a procedure done.

He has claimed that several of his clients have asked if they could take a picture with him to prove that they have had the procedure done.

Kylie Jenner has not made a comment on these claims and while she is open about her procedure, it is not something that the celebrity willingly brings up during interviews.