According to several reports from Australia and the United Kingdom, cryptocurrency thefts are being made and most of the reports are pointing to North Korea.

The Northern Regime of Kim Jong Un is apparently embracing Cryptocurrency

According to Luke MacNamara of Fire, it appears as though the North Koreans are now actively targeting Cryptocurrency exchanges. At least three exchanges in South Korea have reported hacking attempts since early May 2017 with spearphishing incidents reported. The second attack in late May compromised a South Korean exchange.

MacNamara did mention that the successful attempt could not be confirmed as having come from North Korea but there are indicators.

Kim Jong Un's state has been under investigation for some time and his North Korean Office 39 is known for producing counterfeit foreign currency amongst other illegal activities to benefit his country. The fact that the Koreans are mining Bitcoin is not new. YouTube has a number of posts around the subject.

Regulation of crypto currencies is lagging behind the technical pace and world wide embrace

Russia is making moves to allow the state to have a share in cryptocurrency mining and Australia is talking about starting a national cryptocurrency. Part of the original appeal of blockchain type currencies was to escape from the stranglehold of big banks and state control.

North Korea and their state sponsored theft from anyone outside of their borders could lead to states being forced into proactive participation if only to ensure national safety.

According to an article posted last month by Bloomberg, Kim Jong Un's Office 39 has been up to shenanigans from as far back as 2005 when several large British insurers disputed a North Korean Insurance company claim for over US$57million.

The claim came about following a helicopter crash into an alleged warehouse containing food and clothing for the nation. The Korean Insurance Company involved is widely considered as a state 'slush fund' for the Kim family.

There are a number of indications that the sovereignty of other states means nothing to the North Koreans and undoubtedly the latest animosities triggered by the combined show of power through military exercises and the UN Sanctions has only served to spur the nefarious activities of Office 39 on.

Stealing cryptocurrencies appears to be one of these activities that have stepped up in pace. Previous nefarious activities have certainly set a precedence as far as the dictator's attitude to taking what he can from other countries.

Nuclear Bombs cost a lot of money and Kim Jong Un needs money as the UN Sanctions being imposed on his state will severely hamper his trade with China, his largest market and source of supply.

North Korea has denied all accusations

MY BROADBAND has reported that their attempts to communicate with Kim Jong Un's telecommunications ministry elicited no response which is unsurprising and no different from previous reactions to enquiries.