Our recent trip to Prague was not planned out at all. We had thought about going but we were not very prepared when the time came. Our dog had nowhere to stay and we had not booked a hotel for us to stay overnight. However, everything still fell into place. We ended up going to Prague with our friends, even though we had less than a day to plan the trip out and book the hotel room.

Surprisingly, it was easy to set up arrangements for everything and then just take off and go without worrying about anything. We did not have a lot of money to shop or eat out but we did have enough to enjoy ourselves. Overall, it was a great trip.

Booking the Hotel

We booked a room in our hotel the day that we planned on arriving and it was only about forty dollars for a one night stay. The room was nice and it was about twenty minutes from the city. We really couldn't ask for more since it was so last minute. We looked for a hotel on the app "Skyscanner" and that is how we found the one we ended up staying at.

There are not really any amenities, so if you're looking for a swimming pool or a gym then you wouldn't want to stay there. However, if you're just Planning a budget trip then it's a great deal and you'll still be comfortable.

Touring the city

While we were there we did eat out twice, both times were in the city. The food was really good but it is also pricey — plan to spend at least one hundred dollars. To tour the city, you will most likely need to park in a parking garage which will also cost some money. I believe for us it cost thirty dollars for about half a day. There are a lot of places to shop and not to mention several museums in the city. Prague is also home to the largest library in Europe so be sure to check that out while you're there.

In the city, if you're on a budget, it is wise to just window shop and actually buy clothes the next time you visit. There are lots of stores to check out and be sure to have your phone handy so you can convert between currencies. Also, do not forget your camera because the city is beautiful. The architecture will leave you stunned. Just that alone is worth the trip. The best part is that it does not cost anything to enjoy the city and the buildings.

Be prepared for large crowds though, because Prague is a tourist trap. There will be people from all over walking the streets and shopping. The crowds are not horrible, but there will be a lot of people walking around. During our visit, we saw some people who came from China. However, we were still able to enjoy the city without constantly walking into people.