The rise of Wi-Fi networks has led to the creation of devices capable of connecting to the internet and transmitting or transferring data within a network. This degree of connectivity is very positive; however, it comes with inherent problems: Networks and data are susceptible to breaches by hackers.

Therefore, it is important for businesses to familiarize themselves with vulnerabilities and educate their staff on how to protect the systems.

This enables organizations towards a more secure Internet in the face of increasing threats.


Your way of talking about other people on the Internet says a lot about you. Reckless conduct could also cause you legal problems or even make you vulnerable to theft or hacker attacks. There may be people watching your comments on the Internet, so if you post about an upcoming vacation, it would not be difficult for someone to find your address and go to your home to steal.

You should also exercise extreme caution so as not to violate confidentiality agreements, employment contracts and any other agreement you have signed.

You can also commit a crime by revealing other people's personal information or accusing them of misconduct in public without proof.

Data protection

To protect your corporate data on the Internet, you must perform an audit of all the data and identify any information that is in the public domain. Doing so can have a great impact on your organization. The disclosure of sensitive information can prove costly. The data should be protected with some form of security measure.

Protection measures should be aimed at safeguarding both internal and external threats. The use of access rights has been shown to control internal breaches.

Multiple authentication methods

Authentication consists of confirming an identity of a user, machine or device by comparing the credentials provided with the data collected in an existing database.

This should be done before granting access to a specific system or application. For instance, you authenticate yourself by entering your username and password to access your email account.

However, instead of relying on the use of passwords exclusively (an increasingly less secure method), Experts recommend the use of Multiple authentication measures. Some authentication methods include a username or the answer to a security question. Alternatively, the authentication process can involve a digital certificate or smart card, fingerprint or facial recognition.

HTTPS protocol

HTTPS websites have an SSL or TLS certificate installed on the server. This certificate encrypts the data transmitted from the browser to the server - be it personal or financial information transmitted through the site or the content of the website itself.

The protocol is designed to protect users from cyber attacks or breach of privacy in the form of malware or surveillance by government agencies.

SSL certificates also allow you to link your brand identity with your web presence, which helps visitors to determine that your site is effectively controlled by your company and not by impostors.