Cyber attacks violate the privacy and security of millions of users who connect to the network on a daily basis. Therefore, it is very important to take security measures.

To prevent hacking and other forms of cyber crimes, the law requires that all websites have a data protection, privacy policy, and cookies policy. These measures are used to protect users' data and ensure that third parties will not abuse the information.

It is important to bear in mind that websites that do not comply with the provisions of current legislation will be closed.


It is expected that by the end of 2018 the ransomware cases will increase, thus necessitating the introduction of new regulation to fight against these cyber attacks.

There are numerous types of cyber attacks and hacks which can compromise a wide variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Attacks on mobile devices

When the first smartphones were introduced, manufacturers claimed that the devices, unlike others, were completely safe and free of malware.

For this reason, many were convinced that the devices were immune to attacks. But now, as a result of the increased use of both smartphones and tablets, consumers have realized that the opposite is true.

Cyber attacks on mobile phones are possible and they are increasing each year. They can be caused by mobile malware, breaches in security, or by using public Wi-Fi networks that do not have a password.

Cybersecurity experts detect more than 100,000 networks vulnerable to attacks daily. In some cases, the figure peaks at 400,000 Wi-Fi networks. In 2016, cyber attacks on Mobile Devices increased by 33 percent when compared to 2015. This shows that there is a need to take basic security measures when connecting to the internet.

Protection measures

Experts recommend protecting devices using strong passwords and native encryption capabilities. The operating system (OS) and applications should be regularly updated. It is also vital to avoid connecting mobile devices to untrusted USB ports. Disable all wireless communication interfaces of the mobile device that are not being used.

Avoid installing apps that come from unknown or unofficial sources, and avoid connecting to open public Wi-Fi networks. Do not grant unnecessary or excessive permissions to the apps. Perform regular backups and use the HTTPS protocol. By performing these actions you will have a reduced chance of having your device attacked by cybercriminals.

Attacks can also target appliances connected to the Internet of Things (IoT).