Developers at Bethesda Game Studios are finally revealing the details, for “Skyrim’s” new and improved Mod. Their recently released YouTube video is making a lot of fans excited for what is to come!
What better way can we play a game, than to actually hunt dragons with some friendly help. Although “Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” is yet to come for the Nintendo Switch platform, it is good to know that this RP game is allowing us to experience “Skyrim Together.”
‘Skyrim’ latest updates and new Mod revealed
This new Mod has been developing for years, and the developers are finally close to completing the stable version.
To show us what they have done, a 9-minute gameplay video was unveiled. It can be played in co-op by connecting with other players. A master server is where the players shall connect to join shards.
Additionally, the people at Bethesda Game Studios confirmed that when the Mod is released, it will be followed by an API to ensure that the mods work perfectly with “Skyrim Together.”
What is up with Bethesda?
In late September, fans were also quite intrigued when Bethesda announced a special edition for “Skyrim.” They introduced the survival mode that allows players to play actively – less rest and additional necessity of consuming food. Some lucky players who downloaded the special edition also got the chance to play the version for free – only because they were quick to get it.
It introduced Vampires and Werewolves who feed on their victims due to hunger. And when a player is in transition, they become slower than before. Diseases can be taken from any creatures and uncooked meals.
But the real challenge is to garner enough restorative stuff (food, potions, etc.) and find a warm place to survive fatigue, hunger and the cold.
Fast travel is temporarily disabled, which means you have to proceed to your next destination on foot or on a horse.
Studying the map can be beneficial, for a player to know where the best spots for replenishing are. Sleeping in a safe place will help you level up during the game.
Perhaps Bethesda will proceed on producing more downloadable add-ons like Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn.
But it seems like they are almost done with Skyrim and new creations are coming up.
Still, the list of reasons for replaying “Skyrim” is growing with Switch and the multiplayer mod coming up. It is definitely a must to experience the fan favorite game once more.