Samsung recently unveiled the Galaxy Note 8 smartphone. The device features a supersized display screen, dual-lens cameras, and an improved S-pen. A lot of people are very eager to get their hands on the “most powerful” Android device. But when will it be available in the market? According to a report from BGR, Verizon, an American telecommunications company, already accepts Galaxy Note 8 pre-orders. Verizon will deliver the shipments on September 5. That is 10 days ahead of its public release, which is September 15. It is unusual for a pre-order to be ahead of the public release by more than a week.
Most ordered devices often arrive two days early.
Some retailers already shipping orders
Sprint Corporation has also been receiving shipping notifications. Samsung has not made any official statements on why pre-orders have begun shipping. The Note 8 has a scheduled September 15 release date, but Apple recently announced that it is hosting an event on September 12. Launching the Note 8 ahead of its schedule might be Samsung’s strategy to beat its rivals.
Apple will unveil its flagship smartphone on September 12 and it is expected to sport some impressive features. If Apple shows some kind of amazing features on its iPhone 8, and the Galaxy Note 8 pre-orders do not arrive on the 15th, there is a huge possibility that people who pre-ordered Samsung’s device will cancel and go with the iPhone 8 instead.
Pre-registration available on Samsung India website
On the other hand, Galaxy Note 8 pre-orders are now up for pre-registrations in India. According to Indian Express, the opening of the pre-registration process indicates that the device will be launched in India soon. But Samsung has not revealed any official details regarding the availability of the device in India.
People who are interested can go to the official Samsung India website to register their interest on the Note 8. People who registered will be notified if there are any updates on the device as soon as possible. Users will have to fill in what they are expecting from the Samsung smartphone. Users will also have to fill in mandatory details like name, email, mobile number, and pin code.
The Galaxy Note 8 is the successor of the disastrous Galaxy Note 7. The device has a 6.3-inch Super AMOLED display. It is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 835 processor or Exynos 8895 platform (depending on region). The first lens of the rear camera is a 12-megapixel wide-angle, while the second is a 12-megapixel telephoto lens.