The weekend following Friday (1 September) was all about LG’s V30 smartphone. The company published a video on YouTube, which provides an in-depth preview of all the favorite features of the device. As noted by Phone Arena, the video titled, “LG V30: UX Video,” talks about the Always-On Display Feature, its P-OLED screen, and its camera specifications, to be specific.

A video made by LG regarding the phone

The 5-minute-long YouTube video by LG Mobile Global – which has already received millions of views – is a compilation of all the exciting, pre-loaded features users can get. Special emphasis has been applied to the company’s support for Graphy. LG introduced this platform with the objective to provide users the option of accessing Manual mode, in the device’s camera app. This way, smartphone users can simply download professional pictures and interpret different styles in their own work.

The system is designed in a special way so that it emulates the theme from these downloaded pictures and uses it as the base for creating artwork. LG has also made creating GIFs a whole lot easier.

The handset’s camera app can automatically generate video slideshows from the pictures that individuals select. This year, the company decided to ditch its traditional secondary display feature in favor for something called the floating bar. The video describes it as being a semi-transparent platform that is modifiable. Users have the option of dragging it wherever they feel like across their front panel, as it is embedded in the screen. LG V30’s Always-On Display feature is also spoken about in the video. The company claims that even this feature is customizable according to the user’s preference.

Launch in the US and around the world

The company unveiled its 2017 flagship offering at IFA, 2017 (Berlin).

While they haven’t mentioned any specific date as to when the device will make its market debut, it is expected to be sometime soon. Given that pre-orders for V30 units haven’t begun yet, there will still be a little waiting time. Primary US carriers including Verizon, Rogers, AT&T among others, have confirmed that they are expecting to stock up with the smartphone soon. The handset will first be made available in key markets such the U.S., UK, and Europe. This will then be followed up by developing regions of Asia, Africa, and others. LG hasn’t made any mention of the pricing detail either, but rumors claim that it might roughly be around $749.99.