The benchmark results for Intel’s latest Core I9 processors are now out. According to results provided by Cinebench, the processors managed to peak above 6.1GHz with liquid nitrogen cooling. According to a report by Tech Radar, the processors comprise of 18-cores and 16-cores worth of system and a base clock of 2.6GHz (Turbo-clock of 4.2GHz). ROG overclocker expert, “der8auer,” of Cinebench managed to push Intel’s i9-7980XE 18-core processor to around 6.104GHz across all 18 cores (at 1.55V). Interestingly, this wasn’t enough to beat the ASUS’ portfolio.
The Chinese giant with its ROG Rampage VI Apex motherboard has delivered overclocking results unlike any other.
A powerful device with 14-cores
According to Tech Radar, before der8auer could initiate testing, the user had to melt the processor’s speed down to 5.6GHz. Tester der8auer did this by stabilizing the chipset’s voltage to 1.45V. Even after this, it was discovered that the system wasn’t stable enough to actually run benchmark testing. The processors’ multi-core results expanded up to roughly around 5,635 (almost 5,723) – meanwhile, its single-core results were reduced to 2,990. Italian overclocker ‘Rsannino’ from 3DMark Vantage 2x had also put the chipset through testing. The user reduced the processor’s speed down to 5.66GHz.
Following which, he managed to achieve a staggering result of 138,185. He further went on to clock the Core i9-7940X to about 5.7GHz. Note that he was able to do with the processor boasting 14-cores and a base clock of 3.1GHz.
Liquid-nitrogen versions
Tech Radar further reported the results achieved through the liquid-nitrogen versions are quite different from the ones that the real-world boasts of.
The overclocking and performance capabilities obviously differ when the life-like environment is used for testing. Individuals although, can get a judgment of the relative power that Intel’s latest set of processors are comprised of. The company has clearly managed to blow away the records that their previous super-cooled systems managed to achieve.
It is up to the consumers to decide for themselves if their requirements can be satisfied by Intel’s 18-core CPU. It comes with a starting price of roughly $1,999 and boasts of all that a professional might need. In comparison to AMD’s 16-core Ryzen Threadripper 1950 (who is its direct competitor), this one’s price is almost double.