Microsoft is dropping major hints that it is time to forge ahead if you're still running the original version of Windows 10.

The Redmond-based tech behemoth is gearing up to start sending cautionary messages to users who are still using Windows 10 version 1507, warning them that the OS (operating system) is considered "end of service" and the company has already stopped rolling out monthly security patches for it since May 9, 2017.

Upgrading to the latest release i.e. the Creators Update (version 1703) is quite simple. There's an easy-to-reach button you can press to upgrade to current Windows 10 Creators Update provided you are part of this group.

User's reaction

Many deem this an instance of Microsoft directing Windows users toward yet another not-so-necessary upgrade. This time around, however, the software giant is likely to get a little pushy.

Benefits of upgrading to Windows 10 version 1703

Old versions of Windows abetted increase of the recent series of malware attacks, and Microsoft seems bent on avoiding any potential outbreaks overlooking users who are apprehensive about operating system upgrades.

While WannaCry ransomware attack seems to have worn out, there are still myriad of systems that are still open to attack from both this as well as the recently surfaced NotPetya malware.

Bearing that in mind, Microsoft is leaving no stone unturned in the bid to safeguard user systems from attacks of these deleterious codes.

The company enforced several security measures that can only be brought to bear in the form of OTA (over-the-air) updates.

It's worth noting that a large number of Windows users are actually guilty of not updating their OS. In fact, a new report from market research firms indicates near about half of the world's PCs are still running on Windows 7.

What's in it for the Windows users?

Upgrading is always a good thing to do. However, the biggest question on everyone's mind at the moment is whether or not the recently rolled out versions of software use more system resources and end up slowing them.

This won't be ideal especially for older machines. To make things worse, there's also a possibility that some older software may not be able to even readjust to the latest Windows 10 version.

This, along with some other reasons has stopped Windows 7 users from migrating to Windows 10.

With instances of ransomware and other malware increasing in frequency and intensity, it is recommended to always upgrade to the latest security patches. However, it is not advisable for unsupported versions unless you want to put the system at risk.