The #OnePlus company has recently rolled out #OnePlus 5 Android smartphone’s #OxygenOS 4.5.5 update. The update’s optimizations improve the device’s Wi-Fi connectivity, while the voice calls are now clearer.

Update through OTA

The OnePlus five smartphone users who acquire the software update can deal with the set of issues. Users will receive the update through over-the-air programming (OTA).

Aside from the Wi-Fi connectivity’s improvement and the clearer voice calling, the battery consumption of the video recording is less, and the call’s vibration intensity is now on a gentler level.

The tech giant’s forum has pitched in the details of the update. It has a 59MB size and brings in the May 2017 Android security patch. Nonetheless, the update fixes applications that perform improperly on the Internet Protocol Version 6 network settings. Several OnePlus 5 users are delighted with the necessary improvements via the latest OxygenOS 4.5.5 update.

Nevertheless, the tech giant asks the smartphone owners to turn off the USB debugging before upgrading the mobile device.

Just like other OxygenOS updates, users can head to Settings, look for System updates, and then check if the update has arrived.

This is the third update that the company rolled out to the device in the past week. It’s a good thing that the OnePlus company is working hard to ditch the handset’s bugs and improve the brand new flagship smartphone’s performance. Owners now appreciate the immediate fixes as well as improvements.

Smartphone’s multi-window mode

On the other hand, as the multi-window mode is incredibly useful for smartphone enthusiasts who have a keen interest in multitasking. This feature allows smartphone users to utilize different contents at the same time. However, using OnePlus 5’s multi-window is quite easy.

First, the users must have the apps they like to split-screen in memory. Users must use these apps rather than closing them out. Just hit the home button and let these apps available in the background.

Now, users will have to use the new button to get all the apps they have got running. From there, users will then long press on the first app they want to have on the top of the device’s screen. However, not all apps will be compatible with multi-window, but the tech giant will announce if the app will work or not as soon as users will long press on it. Fortunately, the company has made it incredibly easy for users to access a number of these features.