The LG G6+, an enhanced version of LG’s current flagship G6, was launched in June. The G6+ - unlike the G6 - comes with 128 GB of native storage rather than 32 GB of internal memory. While the upgraded version of the G6 was revealed and made available in Korea, the South Korean OEM did not mention when the handset will be launched in the international market. However, it seems that one can get their hands on the smartphone in the United States thank to Amazon.
LG G6+ arrives in the country finally
The smartphone is being offered by a third-party retailer NGP Store USA on Amazon.
The retailer is offering the unlocked International Version of the device for $699. The international edition of the smartphone will be available in gold or blue and costs an additional $200 over the price of the current flagship. The other fact an interested buyer must keep in mind is that the international version of the handset comes without warranty. At the time of writing, there were 10 units of the smartphone left in stock at the NGP Store USA on Amazon to ship it to interested consumers.
According to the information on Amazon, the international unlocked version of the handset will function only on U.S.-based GSM carriers such as T-Mobile and AT&T. The smartphone does not come with CDMA or LTE support offered by operators such as Verizon, Sprint, and many more.
The third-party retailer will ship the smartphone for free if one is interested on purchasing it.
LG G6+ specs and features
The only point of difference between the G6 and the G6+ is the internal memory and the wireless charging feature, which is an added extra in the latter. While the G6 sports 128 GB of internal storage the G6+ comes with 256 GB of onboard memory.
Apart from that, the LG G6+ comes with 5.7-inch display and features a Hi-Fi DAC for superior audio quality. Furthermore, a pair of premium B&O PLAY headphones comes as an in-box accessory with the G6+ to provide the consumers with utmost audio listening pleasure.
The smartphone runs on Android 7.0 Nougat operating system straight out of the box and sports a rear mounted dual camera setup consisting of two 13-megapixel cameras with 25-degree viewing angle.
The wide angle front camera comes equipped with a 5 megapixels sensor. A Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor powers the smartphone, which is available in three hues - Optical Marine Blue, Optical Astro Black, and Optical Terra Gold.