Apple could be thinking twice about its fingerprint scanning system and would divert entirely in other means like facial recognition technology, as analyst claims. Recently surfaced rumors say that the giant tech company was struggling on where to place the Fingerprint Sensor, either on the front of the device or on the back. Now Apple is thinking to abandon it entirely.

The reason why Apple favors facial recognition tech

Apple analyst Mr. Ming-Chi Kuo sent his report claiming his predictions on the flagship mobile device for this year. He says that the iPhone will showcase the widest screen ratio of any mobile phones on the market. Kuo predicted that OLED model won't work on fingerprint scanning because of the following: Apple's full-screen design isn't compatible with the capacitive fingerprint recognition, and the under display fingerprint system's scan-through capability still has minor technicalities.

Kuo expects the mobile phone to contain 3D facial sensing recognition as well as better selfie quality for it to allow facial scanning.

He claimed that the iPhone will have two laser technology at the front camera that would measure the location and depth of the objects that are in front of its view. According to the known publisher Bloomberg, the said technology can scan an individual's facial features and verify it in a matter of milliseconds.

Facial recognition is better for security purposes

Bloomberg also said that the user doesn't need to keep the mobile phone near to their faces while it scans, for the scanning technology can work even in a normal range while being used. Even on a flat surface, the phone's 3D facial scanner would still work.

Bloomberg's sources also testified that upon testing out the facial scanning technology, it was much more secure than the previously housed fingerprint ID sensor tech.

It is because the latest facial recognition feature detects more data points compared to finger scanning.

However, sources suggest that the 3D facial scanning tech may cause the giant tech company some difficulties and may not be ready in time for its release date, but it will be surely be seen in the future mobile devices.

This new feature is required to power the iPhone's new design, with its wide screen which covers the front of the phone. The flagship mobile device is expected to be one of the most deep-seated redesigns since the first iPhone, with Apple celebrating its tenth anniversary with a fully refreshed internal and external design.