We might say that Blizzard’s games has already established its unwavering popularity amongst their loyal and avid fans, they will still be facing issues regarding upgrading and enhancing their product to keep up with the fast pacing change in gaming technology. The rumors were already claimed by the giant game company regarding the first ever remastering of ‘StarCraft’, with that said, #‘Warcraft 3’ and #‘Diablo 2’ is next in line for the same remastering experience.
Remastering Blizzard’s 2 old classic games
Blizzard Entertainment claimed during a report that they will be releasing “Diablo 2” and “Warcraft 3” updated version, soon after they made an official statement that within this year, “StarCraft” is going to be remastered.
Recently, the gigantic game company undoubtedly claimed that two of their top grossing games would be remastered seen in the posted job they published. It was said that these claims began right after Blizzard had posted on its website the job listings.
The company initially expressed how their games in the past made its name in the gaming industry. The giant company stated that the qualities which made ‘Diablo 2’, ‘StarCraft’ and “Warcraft 3’ the top of their game back in the days where the presence of compelling stories, endless replayability, and intense multiplayer mode. Blizzard indicated on the job list that the company needs a Senior Software Engineer.
Gamers expectation on 'Diablo 2' and 'Warcraft 3'
There is no news yet whether the gigantic company is going to announce or make a statement regarding the remastering projects as rumored. In Spite of this, the said project is already up and going as most of the gaming community websites are saying. Blizzard should renew and revive both all time favorite games just like what they did with “StarCraft”.
Gaming fanatics will surely be in awe when the rumors will actually happen so much as when Blizzard actually release the game in the market with all of its improved visual quality and graphics. It will surely make the game addicts stay at home and never leave. But as for now, all the gamers will just have to sit and wait for the next Blizzard news.
In the year 2000, Blizzard Entertainment first released the game “Diablo 2” while “Warcraft 3” was released in the market 2 years after. “Warcraft 3” paved the way massively with the very hot and popular MMORPG, World of Warcraft, as well as every avid gamer was enjoying Blizzard’s first release on “Diablo 3” which hit the charts as soon as it rolled out.