With the success of Sony PlayStation 4, fans will have a new edition to look forward to as Sony releases a slimmed down gold version. Along with the release of the newer, slimmer version, Sony is also releasing a host of new games to keep fans of the system busy. Currently, it is unclear how soon it will be before Sony releases the PlayStation 5 or whether it will be released at all.

The latest game trailers

Coming Soon reported that a lot of new trailers have been released for Sony's PlayStation 4 and include Crash Bandicoot, Spiderman, and Gods Of War.

The new trailers were released at this year's annual press briefing. The Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy will debut on June 30. Gamers will get to play the games in all its digital fully remastered glory. Gran Turismo Sport is also being released, and it's the definitive motor racing experience.

On September 5, gamers can look forward to the second installment of the game Knack. Knack 2 is a family-friendly adventure about a guy who goes from small to big and then big to small. Hidden Agenda is a great game for up to four adults who want to get the best out of movies and games. It allows gamers to face moral dilemmas and then solve them. In multiplayer games work towards different objectives.

PlayStation Plus members can look forward to the full version of That's You on July 4. It allows up to five players in the game and allows friends and family to discover what they really think about each other.

The Play Station press conference details

The Verge reported that the Sony PlayStation Live Event broadcast online would not be announcing a new gaming system for Sony, but there would be plenty of new games as Sony has announced the release of many new games over the last year.

Gamers could expect information on Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and The Last of Us Part 2. Although Death Standing won't make an appearance, Sony has obtained the exclusive DLC rights to Destiny 2.

Gamers can look forward to the combat system on Spiderman that relies on the timing of the buttons and leads to smoothly moving Spiderman between punches and kicks.

Hidden Agenda allows for multiplayer gameplay, and players get to influence the narrative of the game by using their phones instead of the controller. Players are allowed to vote for their choice of approach depending on the situation. Similar to Hidden Agenda is Vampyr, a single-player game that allows the player to become a member of the undead and make decisions throughout the game that affects how the vampire is seen throughout the game.