“South Park” is an American adult animated sitcom following the misadventures of four irreverent grade-schoolers in the quiet, dysfunctional town of South Park, Colorado. Its main characters, namely Cartman, Kenny, Stan and Kyle, have one goal: to offend as many people as possible, especially important celebrities and politicians. There is no doubt that it has been popular for several years, ever since it was launched first as a TV show. The fans of the series have definitely patronised the game versions of the hit animated series.
Today, fans can play another game from the hit cartoon show called, "South Park: The Fractured But Whole."
How it all started
“South Park” was first developed as a video game in 1998 and still have the drafts of its foul-mouthed themed. Many video game titles followed and after a lengthy delay, the new “South Park: The Fractured But Whole” will be finally out on October 17, 2017.
It is a sequel to 2014’s SP "Stick of Truth”. The creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone originally set the game to be released in December 216, but in September 2016 they experienced delay and made some necessary tweaks in order to meet fans' high expectations. Although it was moved to the 1st quarter of 2017, it still suffered another delay.
Previous games were developed by Obsidian, but due its bankruptcy, "The Fractured But Whole” is released by Ubisoft.
The game revolves around the story of Eric Cartman in his effort to save his town from the havoc and chaos since crime is on the rise. He gathered a team of vigilantes making him Coon, the team leader. Coon & Friends are no different to any superhero at present.
In this game, we will be able to follow their origin and backstory. Players will also be able to harness their superpowers mostly fart-based and all-new combat tactics while their hero is on the battlefield.
“SP: The Fractured But Whole" release date confirmed
Fans are enthused with the news confirming the new game’s release, and it was over 2 years in the waiting.
Another good news is those pre-ordering the game will get an exclusive in-game assistant, Towelie, “Your Gaming Bud," who provides helpful and hilarious advice and commentary to players at key locations throughout the game.“South Park: The Fractured But Whole” is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 17.