LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style were launched with much fanfare back in February. The LG smartwatch duo were the first devices to come preinstalled with Android Wear 2.0, Google’s latest operating software for wearables. Soon after the smartwatch’s release, both AT&T and Verizon listed the devices online for pre-order and purchase.
However, much to the dismay of the buyers who placed their pre-orders with Verizon Wireless, the network operator is now sending out a cancelation notice.
The carrier began accepting pre-orders for the LG Watch Sport on February 10, at a price of $329.99 along with a two-year contract. AT&T, on the other hand, is selling the wearable through its online store.
Verizon cancels pre-orders
Online publication Droid Life reached out to both LG and Verizon regarding the cancellation of the pre-orders for the wearable. While it is still to hear from the company, the carrier clearly stated that they would not be selling the LG Watch Sport anymore and will not be listing the wearable on its online store as of now. Tying with the statement, all traces of the wearable were removed from Verizon’s website.
Similarly, LG also removed the Verizon variant of the wearable with the model number LG W280V from its own online sales pages. The company now only lists the AT&T variant with model number LG W280A for purchase.
Verizon, as an apology for the inconvenience caused, is now offering a $100 discount on any other connected watch in its catalog to consumers pre-ordered the LG Watch Sport. Thus it seems that for now, AT&T is the only way one can get the smartwatch unless one chooses to buy the wearable from the Google Store as and when it gets additional stock.
AT&T selling the smartwatch
AT&T, unlike Verizon, stood its ground and is still offering the smartwatch at $249.99 on a two-year contract. An existing or new AT&T user can buy the wearable online or can also pick it up at a store near their location.
For online purchase, AT&T states that in-stock items will be delivered to the consumer within two business days.
Specs and features of the Watch Sport
The Watch Sport, along with Watch Play, were the first LG smartwatches that came pre-loaded with Android Wear 2.0 OS. It offers 768 MB of RAM and 4 GB internal storage. The device comes equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100 SoC. The wearable is fueled by a 430 mAh non-removable battery and offers 4G LTE support.