Samsung's launch of their latest generation flagship smartphones, namely the samsung galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 Plus, was a make or break affair for the company as their very reputation hanged in the balance. However, prior to its worldwide launch last week, some users apparently encountered a couple of issues with their devices. Fortunately, Samsung immediately responded and has now announced an upcoming update that would resolve the problems.
Isolated minor issues
Several South Korean users, who were able to get their hands on the new flagship smartphones ahead of its worldwide launch, had reported a number of issues that plagued their devices. A couple of users had reportedly encountered some red-tint problems with their AMOLED screens. A number of these users even posted their affected units on social media, which clearly showed the abnormal red tint on the screen when compared to unaffected devices.
Other South Korean users also reported problems with their phone's Wi-Fi connectivity. Some units apparently had problems connecting to Wi-Fi networks in South Korean, prompting concern from users of a possible hardware issue.
Samsung's quick response
After already being on-edge given its experience with the ill-fated Samsung Galaxy Note 7, Samsung immediately launched an investigation into the alleged problems. Before announcing its upcoming update, the company even provided several quick fixes to work around the issues. The fixes and tips had varying degrees of success, with some user's reporting that their issues were resolved.
A permanent software fix
Samsung has recently announced that it will be releasing a Software Patch to resolve both issues in the coming days. The company revealed that the new patch will contain a new screen color adjustment setting that should allow users to tune-out the red tint on their AMOLED screens.
Meanwhile, Samsung revealed that they have now pinpointed the cause of the Wi-Fi issue through an investigation with South Korean telecom KT. The company identified the problem to be isolated with KT's 5GHz Wi-Fi network and the Samsung Galaxy S8's advanced power saving feature. The company announced that the next update should immediately rectify the problem and users should have no problems connecting to KT's Wi-Fi network.
The company is likely working hard to resolve these initial, albeit minor, issues to make sure that it regains its reputation as a quality handset manufacturer. As of the moment, the company is enjoying some record breaking sales numbers that even surpasses the numbers generated by the Galaxy S7 and S7 Plus.