Having learned from their rather expensive experience with the Galaxy Note 7, Samsung has apparently put all their technological know-how to work in their recently launched samsung galaxy S8. The latest flagship smartphone sports some of the latest and greatest mobile technology, including a beautifully designed near the bezel-less display. However, the biggest question on everyone's minds is just how safe is it compared to the Note 7.
Unscientific and fully unbiased testing
A couple of YouTubers, namely "JerryRigEverything" and "What's Inside," recently went to work on the newly launched Galaxy S8 and subjected it to various torture tests.
After taking apart its screen and its wireless charging components, the YouTubers then attempted to cut the device in half by using a rotary cutting power tool.
After hitting the device's battery, the smartphone immediately heated up and the battery inside started to expand. However, instead of a big explosion, the battery simply bled out and nothing really significant happened. "JerryRigEverything," whose name isn't really Jerry, explained that lithium-ion batteries usually sparks and catches fire when they are punctured. However, despite intentionally puncturing the battery several times, there were no fireworks to be found.
Samsung proprietary battery technology
The Samsung Galaxy S8 still uses the same lithium-ion type of battery that was used on the Galaxy Note 7 and on almost all other smartphones in the market.
However, Samsung may be using a proprietary solution to the punctured-battery problem. The company hasn't really announced or revealed any new type of battery technology, but it has undoubtedly spent a lot of money into researching ways to avoid the same catastrophe as on the Note 7.
The future of lithium-ion batteries
Despite Samsung's latest anti-exploding technique, Lithium-ion batteries are still relatively dangerous when handled incorrectly.
The mixture of volatile, and potentially explosive, materials used in its construction is still there, but technology has made it so that explosion becomes a rare occurrence.
However, a new type of solid state battery being developed by the inventor of the lithium-ion technology, John Goodenough, is promising an explosion-free future.
The 94-year old father of lithium-ion is reportedly developing a battery that uses a solid electrolyte, which translates to a safer, cheaper, and longer-lasting solution. Further development is still needed, which means that the technology may still be far from being ready for commercial applications.