Samsung launched its flagship Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ on Friday, April 21. It’s been only a week, and users are complaining of various issues with the flagship devices. The latest being, both the units are experiencing a sudden reboot for no specific reason.
Users complain of random restart
Many of the Galaxy S8 series users have complained about the issue on both XDA developers and Samsung’s support forum.
According to a user named Gekidami, the smartphone randomly restarted after showing some strange “artifacts appear” at the bottom of the screen. According to him, this happens in the safe mode too. He complained to the company, and it advised the user to ask the retailer for a replacement.
What is the issue?
According to a user, the Galaxy S8 smartphone restarted almost seven times in the last 10 hours. It happens mostly while using apps like Camera or Samsung Themes and doesn’t matter if the device is charging or not. The user stated that the app freezes, the screen shuts off, and it goes for a restart after few seconds.
Another user complained that the Galaxy S8+ was taking an unlimited self-rebooting loop, which forced the user to factory reset the device several times. However, the problem was not fixed even after this. After complaining about the issue to Samsung, this user too was advised to ask for a replacement from the retailers.
What is causing the Galaxy S8 reboot issue?
The exact reason behind this sudden reboot or restart is not known. However, some users pointed out that it was due to the biometrics. Whereas few theorized that the use of both the fingerprint scanner and face recognition feature at the same time is locking the device.
Another Galaxy S8 user shared that the lock or the Always On Display feature and power save mode could be leading to the issue.
He revealed that the device was getting stuck during low power state. Many users also opined that the microSD card, which is used with the smartphone as the reason behind the random restart. Many people exchanged the handset as advised by Samsung, but the random reboot problem persisted.
Other problems with the Samsung flagships
This is not the first time that the users are complaining about the Samsung flagship devices. People have also complained about a red display problem, which has been solved by Samsung. Other complaints included a Wi-Fi connectivity issue in Korea and wireless charging problems. Though the devices have top-notch features, complaints like this can pose a serious threat to Samsung.