Apple is going all out in 2017 with three expected releases. The Cupertino-based company will launch the iPhone 8 or iPhone X, the iPhone 7s, and the iPhone 7s Plus. While the first is the latest flagship device of 2017, the latter two are upgraded versions of last year’s flagships – the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The iPhone 8 and the revolutionary direction taken by Apple in its design and features have been in the news lately. However, this has led to the iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus getting overshadowed.

A look at the expected specs and features in the upgraded smartphones gives an idea that both of them may very well match up to the iPhone 8’s standards.

There is even a possibility that these two handsets can surpass the capabilities of the next-gen iPhone. Here are the expected specifications for the upcoming iPhone 7s model.


The smartphone will probably sport a 4.7-inch LCD screen and will likely not incorporate the OLED display, which the iPhone 8 is rumored to boast. So, regarding the screen size and display at least, the iPhone 7s will perhaps be similar to its predecessor the iPhone 7.

The decision to stick with the reliable LCD display may, in the end, benefit Apple as it has likely not optimized the OLED display as of yet. However, rumors have suggested that the smartphone may deploy a true tone display, similar to the one in the 9.7-inch iPad Pro.

This feature allows the screen to adjust the brightness and color setting automatically according to the ambient lights.


The iPhone 7 released with Apple’s A10 chipset but, rumors suggest that the new smartphone will house the latest processor developed by Apple i.e. the A11. The latest chipset has been manufactured on the 10nm FinFET technology in place of the 16nm one deployed by the A10 SoCs.

This makes the new microprocessors much faster and more efficient than the previous class.

Other Features

As is the case with most upgraded Apple smartphones, the new handset will not benefit from a design change. The company will likely update the internal hardware, including the RAM and processor in the smartphones. Earlier rumors also suggested that the iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus will come with wireless charging capabilities.

The device is expected to be targeted at budget conscious buyers. However, it remains to be seen if Apple puts three smartphones together. Whether the smartphone can lure consumers like previous iterations or will get lost in the crowd of smartphones is anybody's guess!