Microsoft is scheduled to launch the premium tablet Surface Pro 5 powered by Intel Kaby Lake processor. Initially, the tablet was rumored to launch before the end of Q3 2017. However, there are no clear signals from the company regarding the launch of the premium tablet. With the month of March about to end within the next few days, the chances of launch it before March 31 are very slim.

That said, you can expect the launch of the tablet before the end of Q2 2017 probably in April. We expect the tablet to launch in the United States followed by other emerging countries.

If the rumors are to be believed, the fifth iteration of the Surface Pro will be integrated with a 12.3-inch Ultra HD display with 4K support. The tablet will also ship with a stylus which can charge magnetically. In January 2017, there were reports that the Redmond-based company has given orders to Pegatron Technology to manufacture the upcoming device.

Integration of Intel Kaby Lake processor will enhance performance

Microsoft Surface Pro 5 will be equipped with the Intel Kaby Lake processors. We expect the availability of both Core i5 and premium Core i7 variants. Moreover, the tablet will also ship with a keyboard cover, magnetic charging stylus including Surface dial. Under the hood, you can expect the availability of the device in 4GB, 6GB, 8GB and 16GB RAM variants. Regarding storage, you can expect 256GB, 512GB and 1TB capacities with advanced SSD technology.

Charge your Surface tablet easily with Type-C fast charging port

Based on the reports, the device will ship with a dock for charging the included stylus. The main attraction of the rumored tablet is the addition of USB Type-C port, which helps you to charge the device quickly.

You can expect the arrival of Surface Pro 5 along with the upcoming creators' update of Windows 10.

As far as pricing is concerned, you should be prepared to pay more than the currently available Surface tablet because of changes to the processor and interior specifications. However, the cost will vary depending upon the RAM and storage capacities. While the default model is expected to cost $899, the base Core i7 model will be available for $999. You will have to pay above $1200 for 512GB and 1TB internal storage premium variants.