"Mass Effect: Andromeda" has just received its first piece of additional content, as well as its first post-launch patch. Unfortunately for those who have purchased the game, this patch isn't going to be affecting the facial animation problems "Andromeda" players have run across. The new patch will be applied to those who are playing the 10-hour trial and the full game.
Patch 1.04 will be applicable to "Andromeda" on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One. While it appears there is still going to be a decent wait for the fixes for the facial animation, developer Bioware has said those fixes are coming at some point.
Patch 1.04 affects both single player and multiplayer in 'Mass Effect: Andromeda'
Bioware detailed what the new patch does both when it comes to the single player and multiplayer modes in the game. In the full single player game mode, 1.04 will address an issue where players were unable to land on Ark Natanus. There was also an issue where "Andromeda" would run in the background or go to a black screen when PC users were running Corsair Utility Engine or similar programs.
In the multiplayer mode, "Andromeda" players should stop seeing a problem where they could no longer hear their own characters' audio and instead hear another player's audio. The game should also stop crashing when PC users were using the Human Male Soldier and F key.
First Apex mission in 'Mass Effect: Andromeda'
On Thursday, the game also got its first Apex mission for the multiplayer mode. GameSpot reports this Apex mission, entitled Drack's Missing Scouts is the first of several story-based missions for the game that feature "new playable characters, weapons, and items."
This particular offering will be an interesting test run to see if the game can find broader appeal as both a single player story and a multiplayer platform.
These will also be timed missions inside "Andromeda" much in the same model of "Hitman" and its elusive targets. This first Apex mission runs until March 27. "Mass Effect: Andromeda" released on March 21 on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One to very mixed reviews.