Microsoft has partnered with India's largest e-commerce website Flipkart and allowed the use of its Azure cloud platform to boost its e-tail services. This was announced by the visiting Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella in Bengaluru on February 20, 2017.

Satya has been the CEO since February 2014.

Speaking on occasion Nadella underlined the policy of his company which was to empower every Indian and Indian Enterprise with technology through strategic partnership akin to its arrangement with Flipkart. The public cloud computing platform offers some services to both individuals and enterprise which includes analytics, storage, and network options.

The Public Cloud market in India is expanding at a very fast pace and stands at $1.8 billion at present.Nadella added that the public cloud platform has been coupled with Artificial Intelligence and will boost the capabilities of Flipkart and fast track digital transformation and deliver new customer experiences.

Microsoft plans its expansion in India

Flipkart plans to use Artificial Intelligence and analytic services on Azure to optimize its data to improve advertising, marketing, and customer service. The decade old e-tailer company has come a long way from its humble beginning and today sells more than 80 million products to 100 million consumers.

Indians have eagerly lapped it’s no frills services which include cash on delivery, no extra EMI charges, easy return policy, prompt refunds and same day delivery options.

Speaking about the strategic partnership with Microsoft, Binny Bansal, the co-founder, and Group CEO said that Microsoft’s strong presence in the cloud computing market, its reliability, and huge scale would benefit Flipkart immensely in making its online shopping more relevant to its consumers. Microsoft Azure will add to the computing infrastructure of Flipkart and will provide an extra layer of cloud computing and analytic services. The strong global presence of Microsoft will also enable Flipkart to widen its footprints across the globe and will set the stage for a more robust and long-term partnership. Nadella was all praise about the entrepreneurial energy of the country and Microsoft is inspired by it