As the National Football League (NFL) was ready to kickoff games on Sunday morning, President Donald Trump decided to continue his feud with the players. During his morning tweetstorm, Trump focused solely on the NFL, while calling on a boycott to put pressure on owners to push back against recent national anthem protests.
Trump and the NFL
It all started on Friday night in Alabama when Donald Trump appeared at a rally for Luther Stranger, a Republican running in a run-off election for a seat in the United States Senate.
During his speech, the issue of the national anthem was brought up, and the recent protests taking place before NFL games. The former host of "The Apprentice" quickly made headlines when he referred to those who don't stand for the anthem as a "son of a bitch," while recommending team owners fire those who take part in the protests. Over the weekend, Trump's rift with the league went to the next level as he sent several tweets out smearing those involved, name-dropping NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for publicly supporting his players. Trump also went on the attack against Steph Curry of the NBA's Golden State Warriors for refusing to attend the team's visit to the White House in honor of their 2016 championship win.
As seen on his Twitter account on September 24, Trump was back on the attack.
Taking to his Twitter feed on Sunday morning, Donald Trump mocked the NFL as teams were preparing to kickoff in various cities around the country. "If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast," Trump tweeted out, while calling for them to be "Fire(d) or suspend!"
Not stopping there, Donald Trump sent out yet another tweet to attack the NFL, this time poking run at recent ratings and attendance decline. "NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN," Trump posted to his feed, while adding, "Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country.
League should back U.S."
Next up
In response to Donald Trump's inflammatory remarks, several teams and players have spoken out. Owners of the New York Giants, John Mara and Steve Tish, sent out a joint statement condemning the Trump's comments, writing, "Comments like we heard last night from the president are inappropriate, offensive and divisive." In addition, the Buffalo Bills are reportedly planning to take part in a massive protest prior to their game against the Denver Broncos.