The controversial drama involving Kyrie Irving and the Cleveland Cavaliers is finally over. Irving has been traded to the Boston Celtics, with Isaiah Thomas joining LeBron James. While many loved the deal, many also didn’t like it.
Either way, fans will no longer see isaiah thomas in a Celtics jersey. Apparently though, some of his teammates are rumored to be happy with the trade.
Teammates having different opinions
Most people would think that Thomas became a huge inspiration to his team. He is the smallest guy on the floor and yet he can put up the biggest numbers.
Whenever the Celtics are down by a huge margin, he tends to take over in the fourth quarter. These among others should have somehow made him an inspiration to his teammates. More importantly, they should have been thankful for his craft. But hey, some are not.
According to Chris Broussard of NBA Insider, the moment Isaiah Thomas got traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers, a rumor involving his teammates surfaced. The rumor states that they were not really that “fond” of Thomas. Simply put, they were not glad that he was part of the team. Broussard further revealed that even he was surprised, as the rumor also involved some of the front office’s executives. It is true that Thomas has issues with his former teams such as Sacramento and Phoenix.
But in a team in which he seems to be a franchise player, this is quite surprising.
It is all about the attitude
Broussard pointed out that the main reason some of the Celtics players hated Isaiah Thomas was due to his attitude. Not only was he a “headstrong guy,” he also displayed his “huge ego.” This demeanor could somehow, in way or another, project a “Napoleon Complex.” Remember: Thomas stands at 5-foot-9, the smallest on the roster.
Perhaps his teammates did not like the idea of being dictated by a smaller guy. But really, it cannot be helped considering he played well in Boston.
Interestingly though, Isaiah Thomas became a fan favorite. The Celtics fans loved him so much and were pumped every time they saw him play. Thomas’ dedication and passion towards the sport became his most definitive assets.
These were also the reasons why he acquired the trust and loyalty of the fans.
With Irving being the new face of the franchise, the organization is set to become one of the toughest teams in their division. Whether or not Irving will become successful in bringing a championship, it remains to be seen.