The Atlanta Braves are getting set to officially open their brand new SunTrust Park but before the team takes the field, there were some unveilings to be done. Chief among them was a statue of former Braves hall of fame manager Bobby Cox, which stands before the entrance to the park. As Tomahawk Take revealed, visitors to the park who enter through the first base entrance with be greeted by the smiling visage of Cox for years to come.

The statue took about a year to produce and was created by sculptor Brian Hanlon. Hanlon also made the Hank Aaron statue which is also parked in front of the park.

The tribute to Cox by the Braves has been long awaited considering just how much he means to the organization. Cox had two stints as the man in charge on the field, but it was his second go-round that turned the Braves into the premiere baseball dynasty of the last few decades.

Bobby Cox amazed at the statue the Atlanta Braves have made

While there might be some people who would be a bit embarrassed by the pomp and circumstance of having a statue made of their likeness, it appears the former Braves manager is having a good time with it. During a scrum with reporters after the statue, which has him poised on the top step of the dugout, looking out at the game, he talked about how he felt about what the Braves had done for him with this tribute.

Cox said he thought the statue "absolutely" looked like him, even right down to the belly. He added that he was very moved by what the Braves had chosen to do for him, years after he finally left the organization.

He added that he was moved by the fact that the statue will "always be here" long after he is gone.

Atlanta gives Cox another honor

The Braves giving Cox his own statue isn't the only way the team is honoring their former manager. Bobby also told the media that he is going to be attending the team's first ever game at their new stadium and will be part of the sellout crowd.

He has also been told he will be starting "The Chop" when the Atlanta Braves come to bat for the first time, in the bottom of the first inning.

"The Chop" got to be a rather big part of the festivities for the Braves during the period of time when Cox was the manager in Atlanta. During the team's most dominant era,it became a symbol of their strength and could be quite intimidating for visiting teams. These days, with the Braves struggling, it's lost its luster but Bobby Cox kicking it off could "bring it back."