To fans of the celebrated 2005-08 Nickelodeon animated series “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” the news that it could see a live-action remake on the Netflix global streaming service was a dream come true. That dream became a nightmare the previous week. The reason is that the creators of the series, Brian Konietzko and Michael DiMartino, are no longer part of the production posse despite Netflix originally bringing them on board in the first place.

With their departure, “Airbender” fans have lost interest in the adaptation, with some calling for an active boycott of it as Netflix plans to continue anyway.

Creators have left since June

According to CNN, the bombshell dropped on last week on Wednesday, August 12, when “Avatar: The Last Airbender” co-creator Michael DiMartino announced it on his official website. He explained that he and Brian Konietzko have decided to drop out of the Netflix “Avatar” remake project due to creative differences.

And apparently, they had already done so all the way back in June. The two were initially excited at the streaming giant’s commitment to re-visualize their media masterwork with them as show-runners and executive producers.

But since development began in 2018 the production direction has changed to beyond their original expectations.

“I share your disappointment and frustration,” DiMartino wrote on his open letter. He was also quick to add how the current production hiccups with Netflix on “The Last Airbender” are small potatoes compared to greater concerns regarding the world’s health concerns. DiMartino thus asks “Avatar” fans to move on, though with the streaming service’s remake plans being still on, they might find that request difficult.

Netflix says 'Avatar' goes on

Forbes added further on Netflix’s decision to go on with remaking “The Last Airbender” even without the original creators. Their own statement expressed admiration for Konietzko and DiMartino, but they remain confident that their own production team can finish up where the duo left off.

That claim is easily backed by the fact that Nickelodeon, the animated series’ original network, remains aboard with the collaborative production. The Netflix side of the project is also ably represented by production company Rideback and its producer-founder Dan Lin.

But that might not be enough to mollify “Avatar” fans who might feel both a sense of betrayal and dread. Netflix did originally say in 2018 that they hope to keep the creators’ visions intact by inviting them into the project, but now they are gone. Furthermore, the near-nightmarish memory of the 2010 “The Last Airbender” Live-action adaptation directed by M. Night Shyamalan for Paramount remains fresh a decade later.

Thus far the only successful follow-up to “The Last Airbender” has been the 2012-14 sequel series “The Legend of Korra” on Nickelodeon. Much like its predecessor, “Korra” has also gotten media expansions in the form of comic books and videogames.